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Wearing hearing aids


Your Hearing




Hearing Problems


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Your hearing

Did you know that one in tesn indians - have a significant hearing loss? A hearing loss may happen suddenly or gradually, but either way, it's invisible. It often isn't obvious or understood.

Hearing loss is common. As you grow older, there's a good chance you won't hear as well. In some cases, hearing loss occurs before birth or in childhood.

Early detection of children's hearing loss is important. If you are concerned about your child's hearing, have their hearing checked. Talk to your doctor about hearing assessment services in your area.

What can stop you hearing well?

A hearing loss can result if there's a problem at any point in the hearing pathway - in the outer, middle or inner ears, or in the complex auditory nerve pathway to the brain.

Hearing loss can be:

  • congenital (present at or soon after birth) or acquired (develops later)
  • pre-lingual (before a child has fully developed speech) or post-lingual (after the development of speech)
  • conductive or sensorineural (pronounced sen-sorry-new-rol) or a combination of both.

Around 10 per cent of the population experience persistent tinnitus which is often triggered or made worse by emotional events, bereavement, work and family stress, accident and injury (not necessarily of the ear), retirement, or moving to a much quieter environment.